Category: Fraud Blog
Don’t fall victim to these 7 common holiday frauds
Paycheck Protection Program Fraud
Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) fraud is one of most active—if not the most active—area of Department of Justice scrutiny right now. This article will discuss some recent cases and “red flag” issues the government focuses on.
Recent DOJ Enforcement of SBA Fraud
Throughout 2021, the DOJ...
Corporate Fraud: Common Schemes
Corporate fraud is a type of white-collar crime that involves illegal actions committed either by employees or contractors of a company. In this article, we examine the most common types of corporate fraud.
Theft of Intellectual PropertyA company's most valuable asset is oftentimes its...
Common White Collar Crimes
Common types of white collar crimes range in nature and scope. They all typically involve financially motivated crimes committed by businesses and government professionals. The penalties associated with white-collar crimes can be severe. Anyone the government accuses of a white-collar crime should immediately seek the help of an experienced white-collar criminal defense...
Penalties of Health Care Fraud
Penalties for health care fraud violations can range in type and severity. Over the last several years, the federal government has been aggressively cracking down on health care fraud. Health care fraud is a type of crime that involves the filing of dishonest health care claims. Anyone who is convicted of health...
Common Types of Health Care Fraud
Health care fraud can take many forms, but there are common types of health care fraud schemes frequently prosecuted by the Department of Justice (“DOJ”). It is also a frequent subject of False Claims Act (“FCA”) qui tam suits. FCA actions have resulted in the recovery of billions of dollars on...
Choosing a Health Care Fraud Defense Attorney
If you are a health care provider who has been accused of fraud, you need to hire an attorney—and quick. However, not just any attorney will do. You must find a health care fraud defense attorney who will give you the best shot at a successful outcome in your case. Picking the...
COVID Fraud and DOJ Enforcement
In 2020, the government launched an unprecedented response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. With the expansion and creation of government assistances programs also comes a new area of government enforcement. Individuals and businesses who received federal assistance, including support through the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”), Economic Injury Disaster Loan (“EIDL”), or any...